Gaming licences: forms and documents

Collection of forms and documents for gaming licences.

This collection provides the application forms and documents you need for gaming licences.


Charitable Bingo Lottery Licence: series of events with yearly prizes under $30,000

Charities, religious organizations and non-profit community organizations need a Charitable Bingo Lottery Licence to run a series of bingo games with yearly prizes under $30,000.

Charities, religious organizations and non-profit community organizations need a Charitable Bingo Lottery Licence to run a single bingo event with total prizes under $2,500.

Seniors complexes and manors need a Manor Bingo Permit to run bingo games for residents and their guests.

Charities, religious organizations and non-profits running bingos on the radio or on TV with total yearly prizes over $30,000 need to submit a Media Bingo Monthly Report each month.

Charities, religious organizations and non-profit community organizations need a Charitable Bingo Lottery Licence to run a series of bingo games with yearly prizes over $30,000 or a single bingo game with prizes over $2,500.

Charitable Bingo Lottery Licence holders need to submit a Bingo Financial Report for a series of bingo games with total yearly prizes over $30,000 or a single bingo game with total prizes over $2,500.

Breakopen tickets

Breakopen Ticket Licence

Charities, religious organizations and non-profit community organizations need a Breakopen Ticket Licence to sell breakopen tickets.

Charities, religious organizations and non-profit community organizations running raffles with prizes over $4,000 need to submit a Ticket Lottery Report within 30 days of the draw or each year.

Charities, religious organizations and non-profit community organizations need a Ticket Lottery Permit to run a series of ticket raffles with total prizes valued at $4,000 and under.

Casino registration

Supplier registration for Casino Nova Scotia

Register as a supplier to supply Casino Nova Scotia with products and services.

Games of chance

Games of Chance Lottery Licence: charitable organizations

Charities, religious organizations and non-profit community organizations need a Games of Chance Lottery Licence to offer games of chance.

Commercial carnivals need a Games of Chance Lottery Licence to offer games of chance.

Ticket lotteries

Ticket Lottery Licence: raffles with prizes over $4,000

Charities, religious organizations and non-profit community organizations need a Ticket Lottery Licence to run a ticket raffle with total prizes valued at over $4,000.

Charities, religious organizations and non-profit community organizations need a Ticket Lottery Permit to run a single draw ticket raffle with total prizes valued at $4,000 and under.

Charities, religious organizations and non-profit community organizations need a Ticket Lottery Permit to run a series of ticket raffles with total prizes valued at $4,000 and under.

Voluntary exclusion

Voluntary exclusion (banning yourself) from Nova Scotia casinos

Voluntarily ban yourself from Casino Nova Scotia in Halifax and Sydney by using the Voluntary Self-exclusion Form.

Apply for access to re-enter Casino Nova Scotia in Halifax and Sydney after voluntary exclusion (banning yourself).

Related legislation