We hope you are excited about your Senior year and that it is a very successful one!
As always, you are encouraged to make an appointment to meet with your counselor about any questions or concerns you may have. Appointment forms are available in the Counseling Center or you may email your counselor. We are here to assist along your way to Har-Ber High School graduation!
Join the Counseling Center Google Classroom for helpful and important college, career and academic information! "Class of 2024" Class Code: 7elfngr
U of A:
Each CLEP exam is a total of $115, $30 is payable to UofA upon registration and $85 is payable to CLEP. This $80 fee must be paid online at collegeboard.org. CLEP provides students of any age with the opportunity to demonstrate college-level achievement through a program of exams in undergraduate college courses.
The College Level Examination Program is available to NWACC students and the community. All exams require the student to pay a $25 proctor fee and an $80 CLEP fee. Examinees are required to go to the CLEP website and pay the $80 fee prior to coming to test.
From Associate Professor Sabrina Chesna who is the Honors Program Director
I hope that you can share more about our program with your top students. We offer small classes (no more than 15 students) that allow time for discussion and personal attention; we have students who are active on campus and participate in Service Learning, we have an Honors Student Study Lounge, classes taught by instructors who are published and/or have terminal degrees and PH.D.’s in their fields and who value field trips and “thinking outside the box”; we offer Honors Scholarships every spring and are working on an Honors Programs Study Abroad Scholarship to allow students to go on the trips NWACC offers to places such as Thailand, Italy, and Haiti.
NWACC Honors Program Director