BUNDLE - Chemical and Physical Properties and Changes Worksheets

Introducing the Chemical and Physical Properties and Changes Worksheets bundle, a comprehensive resource designed to reinforce students' understanding of these fundamental concepts. With two flow charts and three worksheets covering chemical and physical changes, properties, and intensive vs. extensive properties, this bundle provides the perfect tools for an immersive learning experience. This is ideal for any chemistry or science class learning about matter.

Included in this BUNDLE

- 2 flow charts to help students classify chemical and physical properties

- 1 Chemical and Physical Changes Worksheet

- 1 Chemical and Physical Properties Worksheet

- 1 Intensive and Extensive Properties Worksheet

- Full answer keys

Goes Well With

Possible Uses
- Worksheet
- Activity
- Homework
- Classwork
- Test Review
- Quiz Review

Back Pocket Science Worksheets, activities, handouts, and homework for your back pocket.